Introducing our head boy and girl for 2024-25

Hello, my name is Caleb Bow. I am honoured that I have been chosen as head boy at Cyfarthfa High School for the 2024/2025 cohort. I am proud to be a part of Cyfarthfa High School, and I enjoy working with my peers and teachers. I have always enjoyed studying and have taken much pride in representing my school and contributing to school life.
Through this next year, I hope to work alongside the rest of the Student Leadership team to create a positive environment for our students to develop to become the best version of themselves. I hope that I can listen to and help our younger students so that they feel that they can have the same experience and voice that I have been able to have at Cyfarthfa.

Hello, I am Georgia Martin I am delighted to introduce myself as head girl of Cyfarthfa High School for the academic year 2024-25. I hope to utilise my role to help make the school the best it can be and create an environment that allows students to thrive by having their voices heard. I hope to have a positive impact on the school for as long as I can with the support of the rest of the student leadership team. I have always enjoyed helping others and this position can help me achieve this goal. I would also like to share my love of learning with other students to encourage them to do their best.
This is the most challenging and rewarding role I have had yet, and I hope to try as hard as possible to fulfil the role to the best of my ability. I will use every opportunity this role gives me to learn and grow to be the best I can be for Cyfarthfa.